Sunday, April 26, 2009

Childhood Dreams: Live It or Leave It?

I've been thinking about the decisions that I've been making for my future much more so than usual, and it's made me question what I really want out of my life.

You see, I'm a pre-law student. I'm double majoring in political-science and philosophy. My goal is to go to a prestigious law school, preferably Columbia in NYC, the city I was born and raised in. After that, I'll be an attorney and maybe follow the political route by working in the United Nations which is also in the city.

But for the past few weeks, I'm not so sure if I really want to be a lawyer.

I would still like to go to law school, but only because you could do almost anything with a law degree.

If I had my way, and money was not an issue, I would want to be things that is completely different from being a lawyer.

For one thing, I would love to work with animation. I'm not the best drawer, but I'm okay. And it'd be really cool if I could be a voice actor. Actually, ever since I was nine I've been dreaming up my own cartoon series. I would continuously draw my main characters and make up plots for the episodes. I think I have some really old comics I created in one of the many old notebooks I have stashed in my bedroom somewhere. If I feel nice, and brave, I'll look for some of those old comics and scan them on this blog one day.

I've also wanted to work in journalism, ever since Middle School. I love to write, and it'd be cool being a TV news reporter, telling the public what they need to know. I'd love to travel the world, watching history before my eyes and giving the public a chance to view it too. Writing editorials would be amazing since I would have a chance to express myself through a medium that will reach a lot more people than this blog would ever reach. And maybe, through those editorials I'd reach out to even just one person, and give that person something profound to think about even if he/she would only think about it for a few minutes.

Maybe that's the type of career I need: a career that will allow me to give people a chance to actually think. And by that, I mean think outside the box. Outside their usual point of views, outside their safe state of minds. I want to change the world.

I don't know exactly how I'll be able to do that.
Hell, I don't even know what I'm exactly going to do with my life.

Except for going to law school. That's one thing I guess.

I mean being in the Law profession can extract change, so it's the next best thing.

And yet I still have my doubts...

A phase maybe?

Or should I take my childhood dreams seriously?