Sunday, April 26, 2009

My First Post...

So, as the title says, this is my first post.

I wish I could have come up with a better title name, but my mind was not in the mood to spend some time coming up with something much more interesting. So sorry if you were hoping for a more exciting and mind-blowing title.

And before I move on, I must inform you that I decided to make this blog on a whim. I felt like expressing myself in some shape and form and I thought that this is the best way to do it since I'm almost always on my laptop wasting my time. So I figured, if I spend 80% of my day wasting away on crappy, yet addicting, sites like Facebook (NOT Twitter, I promised myself that i will stay away from it since it's taken over our media/culture like the plague), then I might as well use the internet for something worthwhile like recording my thoughts.

Wait, I can easily do that on Facebook 0_o

Okay, well let's just say I wanted a place to express myself more fully than a one sentence status on my FB page.

And because I was bored.

So, if I actually have an audience reading this blog, then I hope you enjoy it. If not, then that's okay because I don't really care anyway.

I found that life is more tolerable when you don't care. It's just too bad that I can't follow this philosophy all the time since I'm a pre-law college student on the verge of a stressful week of finals.

Yay for me.
